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Shared Ownership in Natural Surroundings

SILVER CREEK CABINS is unique in that we are a shared community. All 22.49 acres of land is held by Silver Creek Holdings Ltd. (SCH) and each cabin owner holds one share. So you’re not investing in a lease where you have neither investment in the land nor any say in how things are run. Instead, you’ll become a shareholder with shared ownership of the land, a vote in company decisions, plus exclusive rights to a treed ¼-acre site.



SCH owns the land and currently has 13 shareholders. Each shareholder has exclusive rights to the use of one site, and that site number is attached to its corresponding share certificate. Outside of these specific sites, the rest of the land is common property and owned equally by the shareholders.


SCH is governed by Articles and at any given time there are four directors/officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These positions are held by shareholders and are elected annually at the AGM.



SCH applied to rezone the land in 2017 and our Comprehensive Development Zoning was finalized in February 2020. A geotechnical survey accompanied our application to have the new zoning put in place. Now we have specific building sites designated by the District of Hope.



SCH’s shareholders and their families form our community. Together we maintain the property and make decisions about moving forward.  Here is our vision statement:


Silver Creek Holdings Ltd. is dedicated to the preservation of the property’s history, natural beauty, and company community—by working together, promoting initiatives, and a strong shareholder commitment to ensure tomorrow’s enjoyment.


And now we’re building our community by adding a few more cabin owners to our group. We’ve been working toward this for years, and now the time is right. Will you join us?



Between the rezoning and issuing of 5 new shares, SCH has enough documents to make your eyes water! Our realtor David can provide you with a PDF of our Disclosure, which is a whopping 202 pages. Here is a simplified breakdown of the Disclosure:


Disclosure (20 pages) Describes how SCH is organized, how its share structure works, how a share is bought and transferred, what purchasing a share includes, and what you are allowed to build. The following documents are all attachments to the Disclosure:


Site Plan A map of the land showing existing cabins and yet-to-be developed sites. You’ll see the 5 new sites offered at the south end of the land. See our SITES page to view the map.


Articles of Silver Creek Holdings Ltd. The Articles set out the operating rules of SCH and are filed with the Registrar of Companies in BC.


Rules and Regulations The rules were added to the Articles over the years, usually after the shareholders voted on a new rule after discussion at an AGM. The rules are about ensuring quiet enjoyment, tree cutting and clearing, garbage and recycling, campfires, pets, use of RVs, roads and trails, and anything else the shareholders choose to clarify. See the Rules and Regulations here.


Building Guidelines When SCH’s new Comprehensive Development Zoning was created, we drafted guidelines for building cabins. The guidelines set out what building restrictions are in place by the District of Hope and also guidelines to preserve the rustic nature of the property. See the Building Guidelines here.


2023-2024 Operating Budget A spreadsheet showing the annual assessment for 2023/4 and how it’s divided between the shareholders. Assessments can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually.


Proposed Contract of Purchase and Sale This contract is a bit different from a standard Offer of Purchase and Sale because a share is being transferred rather than land.


Schedule of Owner’s Proportionate Interest This spreadsheet shows each shareholder’s proportionate interest in SCH.


Development Permit The Development Permit and Comprehensive Development (CD-8) Zoning are registered against the title, and set out the District of Hope’s requirements for building.


Geotechnical Hazard Covenant This Covenant is registered against the title as required by the District of Hope for any property getting a Development Permit. 

Learn more about SILVER CREEK CABINS on our FAQ page.

Get in touch

David Radmore, PREC

Re/Max Nyda Realty (Hope)

287 Wallace Street

Hope, BC V0X 1L0, Canada

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© 2024 Silver Creek Holdings Ltd.

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